How To: Finding the Best Multivitamins for You and Your Family
Health-conscious individuals generally try to eat a balanced diet thatĀ gives them the range of vitamins and minerals their bodies need. However, this isn't always possible--sometimes our needs exceed resource availability.Ā It can be a struggle to get unpalatable vegetablesĀ down the hatch and one solution is to supplement your diet with a multivitamin. But more specifically, the best multivitamin for you. AccordingĀ toĀ Jane Higdon, Ph.D., of Oregon State University,Ā "Recent research indicates that several of the nutrients found in standardĀ multivitamin supplements play important roles in preventing chronic diseases...Ā [and] ensure an adequate intake of several micronutrients that are notĀ alwaysĀ present in the diet in optimal amounts."

What to Look for when BrowsingĀ Multivitamin Supplements

When looking for the best multivitamin supplements, it'sĀ important to take into account the recommended daily allowances for eachĀ vitamin and mineral. These allowances, known as the Dietary ReferenceĀ Intakes (DRI), set a standard for multivitamins according to one'sĀ estimatedĀ daily needs. Note that duringĀ childhood, adolescence,Ā andĀ pregnancy, or as agingĀ progresses, these needs may change.Ā  WomenĀ andĀ men, as well, may experienceĀ a difference in needs. For example, higher levels of iron and folic acidĀ may be needed during menstruationĀ or pregnancy.

What to Avoid

Try to avoid multivitamins that exceed theĀ DRI levels by more than 200 or 300 percent. Consuming more than theĀ recommended levels is not only unnecessary, it may be harmful. ThoughĀ excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins will be flushed out of the system via urine,Ā fat-soluble vitamins may tax the liver or be poisonous to otherĀ bodily systems. Avoid taking multivitamins with fillers; instead, look for a multivitamin with only the necessary ingredients. Shop's multivitamin section for only the highest quality multivitamins.

Exceptions to the Rule

ThereĀ is one exception to this. Vitamin D, derived from sunlight, is a vitaminĀ that many individuals may struggle to find enough of. Living in low lightĀ areas, spending the majority of your time indoors, or simply needing moreĀ vitamin D due to darker skin pigmentation can contribute to this. AccordingĀ toĀ  Harvard, this includes "most of the U.S. population, [so] taking 2,000Ā IU is reasonable and well within the safe range." Wholefood Vitamins Wholefood vitamins are a little different. Though including a myriad of vitaminsĀ randomly capsuled together is fine, wholefoods vitamins take this a stepĀ further by providing the nutrients you'd find in a certain specific foodĀ item. The reasons for doing this have to do with the complex and beneficialĀ relationship between nutrients as they exist within the organism. OneĀ example is derived fromĀ garlic, which has had the strongĀ smell removed and is condensed into a fast and easy supplement. Some of the best multivitamins are derived from whole food ingredients. Shop Mega Food multivitamins to browse an array of whole food multivitamins. Getting Started

AgeĀ and gender-specific vitamins

To get you started in your search, here areĀ four age- and gender-based categories of multivitamins to choose from.Ā  PrenatalĀ vitaminsĀ can be an intelligent investment for a woman to take in her post-pubertyĀ life but are essential when bringing a child to term.Ā  Children's vitamins,Ā  women's vitamins,Ā andĀ men's vitaminsĀ can also be found at these links.Ā Be sure to consider any special dietary needs you have such as extra ironĀ or calcium, as well as where you live as this may affect your needs forĀ vitamin D. Lastly, remember to talk to your doctor about these needs beforeĀ beginning. Resources
Best multivitaminsMegafoodMultivitaminMultivitamins