Chela's Holiday Wishlist

NAME Chela Long POSITION Vitasave Customer Experience Rep

FAVOURITE PRODUCT AT VITASAVE Oh my goodness! So hard to choose just one! I love anything from Garden of Life, especially their RAW Protein (chocolate flavor) and RAW Meal - both 100% Organic, Vegan and Raw!

#MYHAPPYIS Monday Mornings! Oh Yes I said it... I love my job! I get to go to work every day and have fun! I have never been part of a company where everyone embodies such a positive outlook on life.  It's great being able to go to work every day knowing you are making a difference by helping improve someone’s life. By learning about all our products I also have found so many that have improved mine!

FAVOURITE PART OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON I love the happy mood the holiday season brings. People are in high spirit and their positive attitudes are contagious! Ok, maybe also the holiday treats - have to give them a shout out!


      1. NutriBullet Pro 900 Series - NutriBullet has changed my life. It goes everywhere with me. I took it backpacking across Europe! I know you're having a giggle right now but it makes living healthy so easy! Smoothies, soups and homemade hummus! I already own the regular model but since I use it every day I would not mind an upgrade!
      2. Fitness Pass - I am a firm believer that exercising should be fun. To keep it fun I like switching it up or trying new things. On that note these are my top picks: Bikram's Yoga - I LOVE yoga. It possesses all the great elements of the perfect work out. It requires Strength and endurance while relaxing your body and easing stress. Did I also mention Bikram's is done in a heated room? The perfect answer to keeping toasty during the holiday while having fun! Griffin Boxing & Fitness - boxing, is my opinion, is the ultimate cardio session. You get pumped up, you sweat, and you get to be Rocky Balboa for an hour. I mean what's not to like? The Maker’s Body CrossFit - This is a new playground for me. I have heard the praise Cross Fit has received and seen the cold hard results; but from my observation, you definitely work for those results. I love a challenge...bring it on!
      3. Books for body and soul - I love learning new ways to keep healthy and trying some yummy new recipes! My top picks would be: The Kind Diet : A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet by Alicia Silverstone

        It's All Good: Delicious, Easy Recipes That Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great by Gwyneth Paltrow

        The Magic: By Rhonda Byrne (The Author of The Secret)

      4. iPad Mini or Kindle - I would love to have some extra entertainment while I'm on the treadmill!
      5. Family Time - Most importantly, I wish to spend time with my family in Vancouver. After living abroad for a few years, I’m looking forward to putting up decorations and making holiday treats at home. Oh, and of course attending Bright Nights Christmas Train in Stanley Park.
ChristmasGarden of life rawHolidayVitasave staffWishlist