Aeryon Wellness Up and Away Suppositories
Up and Away is an all-natural supplement made with 100% pure Boric Acid, designed to help relieve symptoms of recurrent yeast and bacterial infections.
Boric acid has been used for over a hundred years as a natural home remedy to treat fungal and bacterial infections in the vagina when other conventional treatments fail.
As a vaginal suppository, it has been shown to be quite effective in treating symptoms associated with vaginal yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis, even outperforming certain medications. Boric acid works by disrupting the cell wall of yeast cells, which can help prevent their growth and replication. Boric acid is recognized as a safe, alternative, economic option that is more cost effective than traditional treatments. It is meant to be used vaginally, never taken orally.
Up and Away works by restoring normal vaginal pH levels and flora balance helping to improve symptoms such as burning, itching, abnormal discharge, and odor.
Boric acid vaginal suppositories are an alternative treatment for vaginal yeast infections.
Boric acid has antifungal properties and can help treat yeast infections that are resistant to conventional antifungal medications.
Aeryon Wellness Up and Away Suppositories are made by filling capsules with boric acid powder, which are then inserted into the vagina.
- Up and Away suppositories work by creating an acidic environment in the vagina, which can help prevent the growth and replication of yeast cells.