About Hyland's Hyland's Calms Forte (100 Tablets)
Passiflora 1X Triple Strength - for restless or wakeful sleep
from exhaustion
Avena Sativa 1X Double Strength - for stress, nervousness or
nervous headache
Humulus Lupulus 1X Double Strength - for drowsiness with
incomplete sleep
Chamomilla 2X (Chamomile) - for nervous irritability
And the following biochemic phosphates for enhancing cellular function:
Calcarea Phosphorica 3X HPUS, Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X HPUS, Kali Phosphoricum 3X HPUS, Natrum Phosphoricum 3X HPUS, Magnesia Phosphoricum 3X HPUS
Adults & Children 6 years and over:
For simple nervous tension:
Swallow with water or chew 1-2 tablets 3 times daily.
For occasional sleeplesness:
Swallow with water or chew 1-3 tablets 1/2-1 hour before retiring