For over 30 years, Thorne Research has been dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of people worldwide by providing innovative, high-quality, research-based nutritional supplements, health diagnostics technology platforms, and the latest in medical education.
Thorne have developed strategic working partnerships with trusted research groups like the Mayo Clinic, the Hypertension Institute, and numerous others. They are always striving to better understand how they can answer the following 3 questions: Does this supplement work? How does this supplement work? Is this supplement safe? These questions have lead to Thorne taking the lead in initiating clinical trials.
Every ingredient received in their manufacturing facility is quarantined and is not released for production until it has been tested and its identity has been confirmed. Unless this testing conclusively demonstrates the correct ingredient and its respective properties for a particular product, the material will not be used in production. Thorne's in-house quality control laboratory and select third-party laboratories perform precise testing methodologies to consistently: Verify the identity, potency, and purity of each ingredient listed on the product label. Identify all known pathogens and other reasonably expected contaminants that might pose a health risk to the users of our products. Provide timely and transparent testing information on every product.- Ensure the integrity of each supplier in our supply chain. Thorne accomplish these objectives by conducting testing that utilizes state-of-the-art equipment operated by trained and experienced in-house and third-party chemists, microbiologists, and laboratory professionals. This includes testing for: Microbiological contaminants: Testing that screens for the presence of microbial contamination or overgrowth. Expected contaminants: Testing that screens for contaminants reasonably expected to be present based on the ingredient being tested; for example, pesticides in botanical extracts and heavy metals in fish oil. Ingredient Analysis: Testing that confirms the identity, potency, and purity of the raw material; for example, analytical testing to confirm the identity of a raw material is what it should be - as well as the concentration and intensity of the active ingredient.