Dr Bronner's Castile Soap Dilution Cheat Sheet

Dr Bronner's 18-in-One Castile Liquid Soaps are good for just about any cleaning task. Face, body, hair & food, dishes, laundry, mopping, pets—clean your house and body with no synthetic preservatives, detergents or foaming agents—none! BODY USES: FACE: 2-3 drops on wet hands, applied to wet face. BODY: One small squirt on a wet washcloth, applied to a wet body. HAIR: ½ Tbsp. in your hand, worked into wet hair, or dilute ½ Tbsp. in ½ a cup of water and work that into wet hair. BATH: Completely depends upon water amount, but roughly 2 Tbsp. soap in an average sized tub. (Doesn’t bubble, but still cleans) SHAVING: Face – 10 drops; Underarms – 3 drops; Legs – ½ tsp; Work to a lather in wet hands and then apply to area. TEETH: 1 drop on a toothbrush. (Yes, it tastes like soap...) FOOT BATH: 1½ tsp. in a small tub of hot water. CLEARING CONGESTION: 1 Tbsp. in a bowl of steamy hot water. Breathe in mist with a towel draped over the head. HOUSEHOLD USES: DISHES (HANDWASHING): Pre-dilute 1:10 with water. Squirt on a scrub brush and scrub dishes. LAUNDRY: 1/3 - 1/2 c. of soap for a large load in a normal washer. Add ½ c. vinegar to the rinse cycle. MOPPING: ½ c. of soap in 3 gallons of hot water ALL-PURPOSE CLEANING: ¼ c. soap in a quart of water in a spray bottle. Add ¼ tsp. tea tree essential oil if desired. WINDOWS: 1 Tbsp. soap in a quart of water in a spray bottle. Follow up with pure club soda, or half vinegar/ half water. TOILET: Predilute 1:4 with water in a squirt bottle. Add ¼ tsp. tea tree oil. Empty toilet, squirt bowl thoroughly, sprinkle baking soda on the brush, scrub bowl, let sit 10 minutes, turn water on, flush. OTHER USES: FRUIT & VEGGIE RINSE: 1 dash (approx.. ¼ tsp.) in a bowl of water. Dunk produce and swish. Then rinse in clear water. DOG WASHING: Amount varies widely depending on size, hair type and length, and overall dirtiness. I wet my dog thoroughly, then start to work in castile soap up and down their body until I have a good lather. Really massage it in down to the skin. Your dog will thank you for it. PLANT SPRAY FOR BUGS: 1 Tbsp. in a quart of water. Add ½ tsp. cayenne pepper or cinnamon, if desired. ANT SPRAY (NOT ON PLANTS): ¼ c. tea tree soap in a quart of water. (This concentration will burn plants)
Tags: Beauty, Body care, Cleaning, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle, Skin, Skin health, Soap, Tips, Vitasave, Wellness, Women's health