Types of Protein
Hormonal Protein
Hormones are protein-based chemicals secreted by the cells of endocrine glands. Transported through blood, these act as messengers in transmitting signals from one cell to the other. Insulin is one such protein that the pancreas secretes for regulating blood sugar levels.
Food Sources: Grass -fed beef, organic chicken and wild-caught fishes can deliver these proteins.
Enzymatic Protein
Enzymatic proteins help in accelerating the metabolic processes within cells such as liver functions, digestion, blood clotting and in the conversion of glycogen into glucose. Digestive enzymes are examples of these proteins that aid in the breakdown of foods.
Food Sources: Papaya, Avocados, Bananas, Honey, Eggs, Chicken
Structural Protein
Popular as fibrous proteins, structural proteins are necessary components of your body, comprising collagen, keratin and elastin. Collagens make the fundamental framework of the body connecting muscles, bones, tendons and cartilage. Keratin is the main component present in hair, nails, skin and teeth.
Food Sources: Red meat, eggs, fish, poultry products, and lentils.
Defensive Protein
These are antibodies that form the core part of immune system preventing possible diseases. The immunoglobulins are found in White blood cells fighting against bacteria, viruses and other dreaded microorganisms.
Food Sources: Chickpeas, lentils Almonds, Chicken, Eggs, Milk
Storage Protein
Storage proteins help in storing mineral irons in the body like potassium iron etc. Iron helps in forming haemoglobin that is necessary for red blood cells and potassium maintains a healthy heart Ferritin is a storage protein that protects the body from adverse effects of excess iron. Ovalbumin is another protein that aids in embryonic development.